Thank you for your interest in contributing to the MITRE Shield Active Defense Knowledge Base!
We invite you to contribute to Shield. Shield is in a constant state of development and we are always on the lookout for new information to include in the knowledge base. If you have found an issue, have general feedback, or would like to add additional content, then we would like to hear from you. Please reach us at
Depending on what you are contributing, we ask that you review the below requirements and provide the information that is relevant to what you are submitting. Once you have submitted your material, the Shield team will review it and respond with our findings. This review process might take some time, so we ask for your patience.
If you are contributing an identified Issue on the site or in the JSON files, or have any feedback:
If you are contributing a new Shield Tactic:
If you are contributing a new Shield Technique:
If you are contributing a new Shield Opportunity:
If you are contributing a new Shield Use Case:
If you are contributing a new Shield Procedure:
If you are contributing a new Shield ATT&CK Mapping:
The Shield team would like to thank the MITRE ATT&CK® team for their support and guidance.